Kamis, 12 Februari 2009


Mau $5 - $10 GRATIS/Hari
--Dengan Online 1 Jam Saja??--

CARANYA SANGAT MUDAH...!! Anda pasti bisa melakukannya dengan panduan GRATISS dari kami. Hanya dengan memberikan review/komentar terhadap suatu produk seperti Nokia, Film, Musik, Sport, Elektronik dll. Anda juga cukup memberikan rating/membaca review dari para member Ciao. Intinya, semua aktivitas yang Anda lakukan dalam member area akan dibayar Dollar oleh Ciao. ^-^

TAK BISA BAHASA INGGRIS...??? BINGUNG MAU BUAT REVIEW....??? NO PROBLEM !!!...jangan kuatir karena saya akan memberikan solusinya pada Anda bagaimana membuat Review..."SECARA INSTANT !!" Tanpa perlu membuat sendiri, Tanpa perlu mengerti Bahasa Inggris dan bahkan nanti Anda bisa sambil belajar Bahasa Inggris sambil menjalankannya.

Saya berbicara tentang membangun bisnis online yang menguntungkan yang setidaknya bisa menghasilkan $150 atau lebih sebulan. Dan Anda akan dibayar melalui Paypal.

Ciao ini sekarang telah dibeli oleh Microsoft...Jadi Anda tidak perlu meragukan Kredibilitas Microsoft dan Pembayarannya jika Anda Join dengan Program ini. Tidak Ada yang meragukan Microsoft....Pembayaran anda akan terjamin. Lagipula pendaftarannya GRATISS..jadi Anda tidak perlu ragu atau Takut...apabila Program ini Scam.

1. Langkah pertama masuk ke ciao.com atau klik Banner di bawah ini untuk Join :

2. Masukkan nama untuk login, email, isi seluruh Form dan klik tombol "START NOW"

3. Selanjutnya Anda akan diminta untuk verifikasi email. Silahkan cek Inbox emailnya karena password dan link aktivasi akan dikirim ke email anda. Klik link tersebut, agar Anda bisa segera login di Ciao.

4. Login untuk masuk di member area. Selanjutnya klik tab "MEMBER CENTER"

5. Anda dapat memilih produk untuk Anda Review pada Tab paling atas halaman member center atau Anda dapat memasukkan Nama Produk yang ingin Anda Review pada search box. Saya berikan contoh dengan meng-klik produk "CELL PHONE"

6. Pada halaman ini, misalkan Anda memilih produk Sony Ericsson W580i Walkman untuk Anda berikan Review, maka Anda hanya perlu meng-klik nama Produk tersebut,

7. Untuk memasukkan Review, Anda klik tombol "WRITE REVIEW"

8. Maka akan muncul halaman dan Anda tinggal mengisi Review Anda pada kotak yang disediakan (minimal 120 kata) dan anda juga harus melengkapi seluruh Form yang diperlukan. Seperti di bawah ini :

Your Experience : Isi Review
Your Overall Rating : Berikan Rating pada Produk tersebut (klik bintangnya)
Title : Judul Review
Advantages : Kelebihan Produk
Disadvantages : Kekurangan Produk

Kolom-kolom yang ada di "Specific Criteria" juga harus diisi (pilihan sudah ada). Recommended To Potential Buyers ? : Pilih "Yes" or "No"
Beri tanda centang pada kolom "Confirmation" lalu klik tombol "Publish"

Cara Menjadi Member Aktif di Ciao, langkah pertama yaitu Buatlah minimal 1 (satu) Review terhadap produk di Ciao agar Anda menjadi member aktif. Silahkan anda pilih produk yang paling mudah di review misalnya HP, Music dan Film. Atau di bagian "Ciao Cafe" yang banyak membahas masalah tentang Sport,Bisnis Online dll.

BINGUNG BUAT REVIEW...??? Baca baik-baik petunjuk di bawah ini :

Cara Pertama : Anda bisa membuat Review dulu dalam Bahasa Indonesia lalu gunakan Google Translate untuk merubahnya menjadi Edisi English. Setelah dalam bentuk Bahasa Inggris, maka bisa Anda masukkan dalam kotak review. Silahkan gunakan fasilitas dan penerjemah online dan Gratis dari Google yaitu : http://translate.google.com

Cara Kedua : Jika anda tidak bisa membuat Review sendiri, Tidaklah sulit menghasilkan kata-kata atau Ide untuk Review Anda. Karena INTERNET memiliki banyak sekali informasi apapun yang anda butuhkan...Anda bisa gunakan Google untuk mencari Review.

Contoh mencari Review dengan Google :

Misalkan anda ingin membuat review mengenai Apple Iphone 3G, Maka Anda akan mencarinya di Google dengan memasukkan Keyword

Maka Google akan memberikan semua hasil review dari seluruh dunia (ada 11 juta lebih) mengenai Apple Iphone 3G.

Translate dulu dari versi English Ke Versi Indonesia. Lalu edit sebagian isi review dalam edisi Indonesia tersebut dengan tambahan kata-kata sesuai keinginan Anda. Atau Anda bisa memberikan tambahan sedikit atau menghapus kata-kata yang tidak sesuai dengan kosa kata bahasa indonesia. Setelah mengedit maka hasilnya harus Anda translate kembali dari versi Indonesia ke versi English menggunakan Google Translate.

Nah...Anda tinggal meng-copy paste hasil translate tersebut lalu mengisinya di Form Review Account Ciao.com Anda......INGAT!!! Sebaiknya Anda meng-editnya agak banyak agar kontennya menjadi berbeda dengan konten aslinya. Periksalah Kembali Hasil Translate Anda. Kemungkinan ada Kosa Kata Bahasa Indonesia yang tidak dapat ditranslate oleh Google. Pastikan Anda mengkoreksinya dengan manual.


Anda bisa memperoleh dollar setelah membuat minimal 1 (satu) review :
- Buatlah minimal 1 (satu) review produk agar Anda menjadi aktif.
- Read atau baca review member lain (dapat $0,01 - $0.03)
- Beri rating review member lain (dapat $0.01-$0.03)
- Member lain memberi rating review anda (dapat $0.01-$0.03)
- Invite friends dapat $1 per referral.
- Sering - sering membuat review agar makin banyak rating.
- Semakin banyak aktifitas read review, beri rating dan mendapat rating maka semakin banyak pendapatan anda.

Start Meraih Income dengan tips berikut:
Anda akan memperoleh ($0.01-$0.03) per read/baca review member lain, Per rating/memberi rating pada review member lain, Post comment pada review yang anda beri rating, Juga setiap mendapatkan rating dari member lain pada review anda. Ikuti tips berikut:
• Search / cari review dari member ciao lainnya, read /baca review mereka lalu beri rating pada review mereka misalnya dengan mengklik tombol: Helpful, Very helpful dll. Juga beri comment jika perlu.
• Setelah memberi rating, lalu klik username pemilik review nya dan "Add to my friends" pada halaman tersebut, maka pemilik review akan mengetahui kalau anda add friends dan telah memberi rating, Biasanya mereka akan memberi rating balik ke review anda.
• Search /cari review lainnya, read, rate and add friend sebanyak-banyaknya. Semakin banyak friend yang anda dapatkan maka anda akan memperoleh income lebih cepat dan besar.
• Write/ buat review secara rutin, jangan cuma satu saja. Semakin banyak review anda maka semakin besar peluang memperoleh rating dari member lain dan semakin besar income anda.
• Write/buat review pada weekly product contest, dapatkan peluang tambahan untuk memperoleh hadiah cash bagi review terbaik dari Ciao.
• Lihat review saya dan anda bisa memberi rating atau add friends ke saya di bawah ini, Agar mudah mencari friends maka anda bisa add semua "Members friends" yang ada di link saya ini, maka anda akan mudah memperoleh friend

Invite friends untuk Join Ciao:
Dapatkan komisi $1 setiap merefer teman dan 50% dari pendapatan referral anda selama 6 bulan.
• Login, lihat di bagian member center lalu lihat bagian affiliate program yaitu: invite friends atau integrate banner ntuk mendapatkan referral link anda.
• Invite friends untuk join ciao dengan memasukkan email mereka via member area ciao
• Pasang banner dan referral link anda di web/blog jika anda memilikinya.
• Semakin banyak referral anda maka pendapatan anda akan semakin besar.

Jangan melanggar Aturan Ciao
Sangat Penting: Jangan melanggar aturan ciao agar anda tidak di blokir.
• Jangan melakukan Copy paste review orang lain, buatlah review anda sendiri
• Jangan menduplikat atau membuat review yang isinya mirip-mirip.
• Jangan melakukan Spam atau mempromosikan program lain di ciao.
• Baca Term nya agar anda tau secara detail larangan di Ciao.

Tentang Pembayaran dari Ciao
• Login, click "My Ciao" - click "Settings"- Click "Personal Data" - Click "Paypal Email" - Masukkan paypal email anda.
• Anda bisa reguest pembayaran jika mempunyai balance minimal $5 caranya sbb: click "Settings"- Click "Account Balance" lalu klik tombol "Request Payment" .
• Anda bisa reguest berkali-kali dalam 1 bulan, tetapi akan di bayar oleh ciao sekaligus di pertengan bulan berikutnya, misalnya: untuk permintaan bulan januari akan di bayar pertengahan february.

Dan Pendapatan Anda Akan Diupdate Setiap Hari Jam 14:00 WIB
Selamat Mencoba ^-^
Owy… buat kalian yan udah daftar jadi anggota,
ADD ke ciao saya dengan nama member jaya88
Silahkan read n rate review saya maka saya akan melakukan hal yang sama dan kita sama-sama mendapatkan uang…


Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

What Is Lasik Plus?

You have heard about Lasik surgery for several years and you know many people that have had this life changing surgery. But, what is Lasik Plus? You have never heard about this-is it better or just different? Actually, it is a special place dedicated to helping people who want to have Lasik surgical procedures done.

Lasik Plus claims that their surgeons are high skilled and certified through many different medical boards such as the AMA, ABO and NCQA. They have a dedicated medical team that has been performing these surgeries for over 15 years and they have an excellent track record in the Lasik area.

Lasik Plus patients, are treated with sophisticated FDA-approved laser technology. Their centers are outfitted with new generation laser platforms, including Bausch & Lomb, VISX, and Alcon LADARVision. They understand the importance of having different lasers that can provide you with personalized results. This gives you with the ability to be an active participant in your vision correction plan.

They will offer you a choice of both the traditional and custom Lasik platforms. No one laser is suited for every patient or all conditions. There are differences in prescription, corneal thickness, and pupil size that may make the doctors choose with one laser over another with the goal of making your surgery successful.

They know that all Lasik providers are not the same and they tell you that their medical group is setting the standard for the entire industry. They have superior results because of the advance medical laser platforms, technical skills of their staff and their progressive training programs. All procedures are performed by lasers that are computer guided and have eye-tracking technology designed for your personalized treatment.

Lasik Plus facilities charge competitive rates and have promotional financing available to help everyone who wants to have this procedure performed.

If you think you want to have lasik plus performed on your eyes, you should check into the procedure. It is not for everyone and there are risks involved. You might want to read books, magazine articles, and newspapers to see what the latest developed are in this field. Medical procedures are constantly changing and being improved. Maybe you were not a good candidate 10 years ago when you first thought about having this done. But, with the advancements in technology, you may now be a good candidate.

You have made up your mind that you want to use Lasik Plus for your eye procedure. Work with them to ensure that you have all of the information you need and want, that all of your questions have been answered, and that you are ready to move ahead.

Schedule your procedure, following all of the instructions provided by the doctors and medical staff and relax. You are in good hands and soon you will be one of the many people who is able to talk about the wonderful freedom you now have since you do not wear glasses or contact lenses. Soon, friends and associations will be asking you for advice about Lasik Plus and what you thought about it.
By: Samantha Davis

Lasikplus Offers Superior Patient Care And Optimum Results

Lasik surgery has become one of the most popular elective surgeries in the United States. With more than a million procedures performed in the United States alone, Lasik has grown in popularity as technology has become more streamlined and the procedure has been perfected by skilled surgeons who perform it on a daily basis.

As the demand for Lasik grows, more and more centers devoted to Lasik open throughout the country. LasikPlus – one of the leaders in Lasik technology – has reputable centers that are located throughout the country and are committed to providing their patients with a superior level of care regardless of the center that they visit.

LasikPlus has been able to provide patients with such superior care and affordable prices because of the manner in which they conduct their business. A LasikPlus Vision Center –regardless of where it is located – performs a similar level of care. Each center is a template of the LasikPlus philosophy.

Currently, there are fifty centers throughout the country each dedicated to providing a standard of care that includes skilled and experienced surgeons who are top in the field, comprehensive patient care that extends to pre-operative visits and complete aftercare, advanced technology that represents the most state-of-the-art equipment on the market today, professional and respectful office and medical support staff that work together to ensure a positive experience for the patient, and affordable treatment through a variety of financing options.

Lasik surgery works to correct refractive difficulties experienced by patients and that is manifested in nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Such refractive disorders change the way that light is refracted through the lens to the retina. When the retina receives refracted light it then converts the signal it receives to a message that can be assimilated by the optic nerve in the brain; the optic nerve translates the message that it receives into a visual image. When light is not refracted properly, ultimately the message that is received by the retina is one of a blurry image.

Through the Lasik procedure, a thin incision is created in the top layer of the cornea in order to create a flap. When the flap is folded back, the surgeon is able to access the underlayer of the cornea, known as the stroma. Once the stroma is revealed the surgeon is able to resurface the area with the use of a laser; after which the flap is replaced on the eye and natural healing is allowed to begin.

While this may be a quick procedure it is still a surgical procedure that must be completed with enormous skill and precision. The surgeons of LasikPlus are committed to offering their patients the benefits of their ongoing training. Each procedure is approached independently and begins with a thorough pre-examination to determine the candidacy of the patient and the manner of procedure that will achieve the greatest success.

LasikPlus prides itself on treating its patients with the utmost respect; each patient is given personal service and the opportunity to ask questions of their surgeon prior to the procedure. In addition, the aftercare provided by the center is well-known in the industry and focuses on comprehensive follow-up and ultimate success.
By: Samantha Kay

Article Dashboard: Health & Fitness